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Showing posts from August, 2011

Exhibition Countdown - August 11

I'm involved in this project, please come along if you can, preview this Thursday from 6pm at Mad Lab in Manchester. Mad Lab website A Family Of website Twice Removed Exhibition Twice Removed Title:  Twice Removed Location:  MadLab Description:  Twice Removed is an exhibition of experimental new project by photography collective ‘A Family Of…’ Start Date:  12 August 2011 Start Time:  11:00 End Date:  3 September 2011 End Time:  17:00 Exhibition is not open on Sunday The broad themes of the project are ‘connection’  and ‘ relationship’.  Our working method for this exhibition reflects our collaborative approach:  each member of the group producing a series of visual starting points, the project has evolved by each person visually responding to any of these to make work that creates a dialogue with each others work. As the project develops the images will make connections with other images, not just through common themes and visual styles, but also through collisions and